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The second item of the top right menu is a drop-down box where you can see today's tasks, alerts and deadlines.

The first tab is the Tasks tab, which shows today's tasks for the day. When a user logs into their account, they will see their tasks for the day here. Each user will see here only the task for which they are responsible. Clicking on a task will display the task's details page. If the task is a vehicle pick-up or return, the associated rental page will open.

Warnings and Expirations

The Warning tab reminds you of user documents, as well as events and documents relating to vehicles. This is where the system alerts you when a document expires within two months. For users, the system displays the expiry date of their document. It also shows information on maintenance, whether a vehicle is due for maintenance in the near future or is already overdue.

The Expiry tab alerts you to users' documents and to documents on vehicles that have already expired. If a user's ID card, passport or driving license has expired, this is notified to you here. Clicking on such a notification will take you straight to the user's details page, where you can update the relevant information. If a vehicle's document has expired, clicking on it will take you to the vehicle's data sheet, where you can also change the values.

Check out how you can create a new vehicle and automate alerts in Rentgine