
Get to know Rentgine through our blog articles

  • Tuesday, May 30, 2023

    Introducing Compact View for Overseeing Several Rentals at a Glance
    Introducing Compact View for Overseeing Several Rentals at a Glance

    Our team of software developers has created a new view in Rentgine which allows users to oversee up to three months of rentals in the calendar. The new compact view further improves the user-friendly interface and consequently aids the daily operations of car rental companies.

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  • Monday, May 29, 2023

    Why Having Checklists Is Essential for Car Rental Companies
    Why Having Checklists Is Essential for Car Rental Companies

    Car rental companies provide a convenient and flexible option for customers who need temporary transportation. However, with this flexibility comes responsibility. Rental companies must ensure that their vehicles are safe, well-maintained, and in good condition for each customer. To achieve this, it is crucial for car rental companies to have a checklist when renting out and getting back a car.

    In this blog post, we will list why having checklists is a must for car rental companies.

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  • Friday, May 12, 2023

    Must-Have Features When Renting Out a Car Digitally
    Must-Have Features When Renting Out a Car Digitally

    Are you tired of managing your car rental business with outdated and inefficient methods? Do you dread the thought of registering a new rental with a pen and paper? Rentgine is here to help you manage your rental business!

    With Rentgine, you can easily create a new rental with just a few clicks. No more rifling through stacks of paperwork or trying to decipher messy handwriting. Rentgine is a cloud-based system that allows you to manage your rental business digitally, saving you time, money, and stress. In this blog post, we will discuss the key aspects of renting out a car and how Rentgine can streamline these steps.

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