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Cash box

The Cash Box feature in Rentgine allows car rental businesses to efficiently track and manage small transactions, including petty cash expenses, office supplies, driver tips, and more. It provides a structured way to handle minor payments, ensuring accuracy and transparency in financial records.

The Cash Box feature is available under the Finances tab. Here, users can create multiple cash boxes, log transactions, and view detailed histories of deposits, withdrawals, and transfers.

Creating Cash Boxes

Users can create multiple cash boxes for different expense categories. To create a new cash box, click on the configuration icon, navigate to the Cash Box page, and select New Cash Box.

In the setup window, enter the name of the cash box and check the "Active" checkbox if you want it to be in use.

If a cash box is active, any incoming cash payment from an issued invoice in Rental Details (on the Financial Information page) can be directed to that cash box. This transaction will then appear in the cash box’s history.

Temporary cash boxes help vehicle rental businesses manage transactions related to seasonal promotions or specific projects.

If a cash box is inactive, this option will not be available, and cash payments will need to be assigned elsewhere. So, if a cash box is inactive, it will no longer be available for transactions but remains in the system for reference and can be reactivated in the future.

Managing Cash Boxes

The Cash Box feature allows users to track and manage small transactions by depositing, withdrawing, and transferring funds as needed.


Users can add initial funds when creating a new cash box. Additional funds can be deposited into an existing cash box at any time.


Withdrawals can be recorded for various expenses, such as office supplies, maintenance, or fuel reimbursements.


Users can transfer money between cash boxes when necessary. For example, if the Office Expenses cash box runs out of funds, a transfer can be made from the Miscellaneous cash box to cover expenses.


If a company operates in multiple regions or accepts different currencies, transactions can be recorded accordingly.


Users can attach notes to each deposit, withdrawal, or transfer. Comments help clarify the purpose of a transaction.


A full log of cash box-related actions is available for each cash box.

Every transaction is linked to a specific user, providing full transparency. This feature ensures that financial responsibilities are well-documented.

Users can filter transactions based on a specific cash box, amount, currency, type of transaction (deposit, withdrawal, transfer), date, colleague, comment, log time, and person who logged the transaction. Users can export all data to Excel.

The history provides a clear and simple overview, helping to reconcile records efficiently.