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Tutorial videos

How to Create a New Rental

Say goodbye to complicated rental creation! This tutorial video will show you how Rentgine's intuitive interface makes creating new rentals a simple and efficient process, so you can achieve your business goals faster and gain a competitive edge.

Full video transcript available below:

Welcome to Rentgine’s video tutorial series!

In our videos, we will show you how to use Rentgine, which is a car rental software designed for businesses.

Our car rental software helps you manage your fleet, staff and customers in one place.

In this video, you will learn how to create a new rental in Rentgine.

Before creating a new rental, you can check the availability of your fleet in the calendar. Here you can find all your vehicles with their basic information and the current rentals.

You can look up rental intervals by clicking on the date-picker above the calendar and choosing the desired period.

To create a new rental, use the “Quick Menu” and choose the “New Rental” option, or click the "New Rental" button next to the "List View" button above the calendar, or simply select a cell in the calendar that corresponds with the vehicle that you want to rent out.

On the "New Rental" page, under the "Basic Information" section, you must select the vehicle and the renter in order to save a new rental. If the renter is not in your database yet, you can register the new customer while you are creating a new rental. Use the combo box indicated by the human figures, and enter all information related to the new customer. If the renter is already in your database, just choose the renter from the drop-down menu.

Below the renter, you can specify the rental type – which is also customizable.

Besides choosing the vehicle, the renter and the rental type, you can select the length of the rental as well. Click on the date-picker and give the start and end date of the rental. The selected period will show up in your calendar. However, you don’t have to specify the date to save the rental. This way, the rental will show up in the “List View”, where a quick filter helps you look for rentals without date.

You can also specify the drivers via the "Driver 1" and "Driver 2" options if the renter and the driver are not the same person.

In the "Pick-up" section, a colleague can be added who delivers the vehicle to the renter. You can choose to specify the location of the pick-up and the pick-up fee in this section.

The "Return" section also allows you to add a colleague who returns the vehicle. You can add the return location and the return fee as well in this section.

Choose the currency, exchange rate, rental cost, deposit amount and the payment method under the "Rental Prices" section.

The "Overruns" section allows you to set the mileage limit and the overrun fee.

Below the "Rental Prices" section, feel free to list additional equipment such as child seat, snow chain, and navigation system, and their corresponding price. Keep in mind that you can only add additional equipment to the rental if your chosen vehicle already has equipment registered in the system. Choose the "Vehicles" tab to edit vehicle data and register a new equipment.

At the end of the page, you can leave comments regarding the rental.

Once you have entered all the information you need, click the "Save" button to create the rental.

Now, the new rental will show up in the “List View”, and if the rental has a rental interval, you will see it from the “Calendar View” as well.

If you don't have a Rentgine account yet, check out our subscription plans.

For more information concerning the rental process, watch our other videos or visit our website at